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Download Arabe Français Dictionary

Dictionnaire francias arab
Linguist Dictionary Arabic - French
Le Dictionnaire Arabe Français avec les mots scientifiques 
traduction français arabe français

 It includes all the words in Arabic and translated into French sense of scientific terminology, medical, mathematical, physical, informational, and in terms of Engineering
Dictionary also includes pictures of the words and is very cool Dictionary

Golden dictionary spokesman
Multilingual Dictionary, (in Arabic Dictionary, FrenchDictionary) which mainly focuses on solutions to the problems of translation
Pronouncing Dictionary of the French language
Designed to be a comprehensive companion of the great need to return to the dictionary without obstruction or delay of aworkflow. 

Through its database containing more than 100 thousand words,and its dependence on technologies to show results directly,while providing options emergence words close to spell the word Category them, to overcome the problems of spelling errors, and the ability to search the corresponding completely through exclusively between (%% ); be a program of excellence in their respective fields