Ace Translator - program for converting any texts from foreign languages ??into Russian and back. The new interface in the style of Ace Translator. Superior translation mechanism ensures a high quality of translation through an updated linguistic algorithms, although what they are at one meter data.
Ace Translator program can work with more than sixty foreign languages ??- this feature of the program is explained quite powerful database , which contains a vast array of dictionaries and applications. Despite the large number of supported languages ??, translator Ace Translator does not have a significant load on the computer and takes up little space on your hard disk.
Ace Translator is a very user-friendly multilingual interface, the development of which was carried out according to the wishes of fans of the program. Translator Ace Translator operates using a modern method of dictionaries , which reduces the load on the computers memory . It is also worth noting that supports auto-detect function of the target language .
Ace Translator program can work with more than sixty foreign languages ??- this feature of the program is explained quite powerful database , which contains a vast array of dictionaries and applications. Despite the large number of supported languages ??, translator Ace Translator does not have a significant load on the computer and takes up little space on your hard disk.
Ace Translator is a very user-friendly multilingual interface, the development of which was carried out according to the wishes of fans of the program. Translator Ace Translator operates using a modern method of dictionaries , which reduces the load on the computers memory . It is also worth noting that supports auto-detect function of the target language .
Ace Translator is a multilingual translation easy to use your everyday needs. Ace Translator uses the power of language translation engines of the machine on the Internet, and helps you to easily translate Web contents, letters, chat, and email.
Ace Translator uses the language of the translation machine engines-art translation and the Internet as you can easily translate web content, letters, chat, and email.
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Operating System:
Windows Xp / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 /Windows 10
File Size:
5.13 MB