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Download Facebook Color Changer

Today I'll show you change Facebook format to several many forms to the colors and forms with distinct additions attractive way, but the explanation on the Google Chrome browser just by installing in addition to the browser Google Chrom 

Now you if you are on Google's Chrome browser, you can install a simple tool that allows you to change the colors of your layout, and even add a photograph of yourself in Facebook as a backdrop.

Explain how to change the color and shape of Facebook

1. Install customized to change the color of Facebook from the following URL works on google chrome only tool.

2. After terracing tool Facebook to change the color close your browser and open it once again and then open the Advanced Emile your.

3. You will find in the browser at the top in the Top bar a new icon 

4. Click on the icon will open the new box from which you can change the page color as you want, as in the following image and then press ok or keeping Keda remains the salvation you'll change the color of your page on Facebook
No more blue on Facebook! Choose your favorite color and see result instantly on your Facebook pages!

FB Color Changer is the most popular, most downloaded and best Facebook Colour Changer for Google Chrome


1. Click on install on the upper right and confirm the installation

2. Go to and click in the omnibar or on the facebook bar

3. Activate the Color Changer and choose your color

4. Finish. Enjoy your "new" facebook :-) 
  330 KB
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