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Download Kelk 2023

The Ultimate Calligraphy Software for Osman Taha Naskh, Nastaleegh, Thuluth, Tahriri, Shekasteh, Hashem Baghdadi Naskh, Divani khafi and Divani Jali, kuffi, Moalla, Lahoori Nastaligh and Ruqaa.

It is also possible to use ordinary Arabic fonts in combination with calligraphy fonts.

Free Download Kelk Caligraphy Software

The Ultimate Calligraphy Software for Osman Taha Naskh, Nastaleegh, Thuluth, Tahriri,Shekasteh, Hashem Baghdadi Naskh, Divani khafi and Divani Jali, kuffi, Moalla, Lahoori Nastaligh and Ruqaa. It is also possible to use ordinary Arabic fonts in combination with calligraphy fonts.


Now with the power of Kaelk, you can type your favorite piece of text, poem or verse and watch its information into beautiful Callgraphaic fonts such as Nastaleegh, Naskh (Osman Taha), Thuluth, Shekasteh, Tahriri, Naskh (Baghdadi), Divani Jali,

Divani Khafi.It is also possible to use normal windows fonts in combination with callgraphaic fonts in artworks.